Bauhinia coccinea - Plant

27 Reviews
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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Is quite a finicky grower. Looks spectacular when in bloom. Sets seed at the begnning of the winter season. The young seedlings do not like it cold. The plant prefers good soil and warm and humid growing conditions. Soils should be rich in manure and well drained. Get one if you can! Is really pretty. Another very important aspect is that the plants require acidic soils. Do not plant in alkaline soils as the plants will develop severe iron deficiency and even die. Can be grown in pots as well.

Is quite a finicky grower. Looks spectacular when in bloom. Sets seed at the begnning of the winter season. The young seedlings do not like it cold. The plant prefers good soil and warm and humid growing conditions. Soils should be rich in manure and well drained.

Get one if you can! Is really pretty. Another very important aspect is that the plants require acidic soils. Do not plant in alkaline soils as the plants will develop severe iron deficiency and even die. Can be grown in pots as well.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Bauhinea Vine
Marathi - Kanchan, Hindi- Kachnal, Telugu- Kanchana, Bengali- Kanchan
Flower Colour The blooms change from red to orange to yellow as they age.
brilliant orangey-red
Bloom Time It blooms year round.

Planting and care

Do not plant in alkaline soils as the plants will develop severe iron deficiency and even die. Can be grown in pots as well.
Another very important aspect is that the plants require acidic soils.

Bauhinia coccinea care

The plant prefers good soil and warm and humid growing conditions. blooms year round.

Soil Soils should be well drained.
Fertilizer Soils should be rich in manure and well drained.
Harvest Season It blooms year round.

Bauhinia coccinea uses

Ornamental Use:

  • It is grown as an ornamental on arbors and posts

Culinary Use:

  • It is really pretty
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