Baphia massaiensis - Plant

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₹ 249
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Baphia is a small genus of legumes that bear simple leaves.

Baphia massaiensis is a shrub or small tree that can grow up to 10 metres tall.The tree is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use as a coffee substitute and for making toothbrushes. The plant is quite attractive, producing flowers in attractive short sprays, these are white with a yellow spot at the base of the standard petal, and are sweetly jasmine-scented.

Plants grow best in sun in coastal areas or in semishaded areas. Baphia is a small genus of legumes that bear simple leaves.Baphia is from the Greek word, , , , , , ( to dip or to dye ), referring to a red dye that is extracted from the heartwood of tropical species.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Common name: Jasmine Pea, Sand Camwood
Maximum Reachable Height grow up to 10 metres tall.
Flower Colour white-yellowish

Planting and care

Plants grow best in sun in coastal areas or in semishaded areas.

Baphia massaiensis care

Plants grow best in sun in coastal areas or in semishaded areas.

Sunlight Requires a sunny position
Watering Require regular irrigation.

Baphia massaiensis special feature

Can be trimmed to keep in shape.
The branches are used as toothbrushes for cleaning the teeth.
A piece of branch approximately the length and thickness of an adult male finger is used, the end is frayed for use as the brush

Baphia massaiensis uses

Culinary Use:

  • The seed can be roasted, then ground to a powder and used to make a coffee according to some reports, whilst other reports deny this use
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