Casuarina equisetifolia, Australian Pine Tree - Plant

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₹ 499
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₹ 499
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₹ 567
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Casuarina equisetifolia is an evergreen tree and has a conifer-like appearance.

The foliage of this perennial plant consists of slender, much branched green to grey-green twigs, bearing minute scale-leaves in whorls of 6 to 8. The flowers are produced in small catkin-like inflorescences. It is monoecious, with male and female flowers produced on the same tree.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Whistling Pine, Casuarina, Common Ironwood, Beefwood, Bull-oak, Jungli Saru
Maximum Reachable Height Up to 35 m
Flower Colour Inconspicuous (Light brown)
Bloom Time Male flowers by second year and females a little later.
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Be careful to water the plants regularly during the first two years following planting.
  • Do watering is done along with the planting.
  • Organic insecticides such as biocide are highly effective to get rid of moths (parasites).

    Casuarina equisetifolia care

    It grows along sandy coasts and coastal forests naturally. It can be propagated by seed. A spacing of 4 x 4 to 6 x 6 feet is ideal which allows intercropping in the first year. The soil is scooped to the depth and width of the bag, planted preferably with the onset of rains.

    Sunlight Full sun
    Watering Moderate. The irrigation is required for once in every 10 to 15 days.
    Soil Well-Drained Soils, Saline, Loose, Fine Soils
    Temperature 16 to 45 degrees C
    Fertilizer Use any organic fertilizer.

    Casuarina equisetifolia special feature

    It has a strong resistance to high winds and can thus be used as a windbreak.

    Casuarina equisetifolia uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The tree is commonly grown as an ornamental

    Medicinal Use:

    • Bark and twigs are used in ayurvedic preparations
    • Note: Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally

    Culinary Use:

    • The seeds are roasted for salt
    • The leaves and green fruit were chewed to stimulate salivation to quench thirst
    • Note: Please consult your health expert
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