Astragulus - Plant

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₹ 249
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It is easy to grow plant with many medicinal uses and its appearance harmoniously decorate the landscapes.

It is a herbaceous perennial from the legume family. It has a short vertical or raised stem, densely covered with imparipinnate leaves.The inflorescence is a dense brush of yellowish flowers in the appearance reminiscent of peas, which after maturing turn into the oval or egg-shaped beans.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Astragale, Astragali, Astragalo, Milk Vetch, Mongolian Milk, Ogi, Radix Astragalus.
Maximum Reachable Height 1-2 feet
Flower Colour Green
Bloom Time April and May
Difficulty Level easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Clean up the planting site and make a hole about twice the diameter of the rootball of plant and of the same depth. You can also put compost or aged manure before you reseal the hole.
  • If you are planting more than one plant, space them at least fifteen feet away.
  • You can also cultivate potted astragalus, but it is important to place them in a light colored pot to avoid temperatures mounted black pots. If you transplant your astragals pot, you must make a hole diameter of about 20cm.

    Astragulus care

    Astragalus can be propagated by seeds and division. It can be grown from seeds in spring or summer or when the temperature is warm. Although, seed germination rate is low.

    Sunlight Full Sun to Partial Shade
    Watering If you, re growing astragalus in pots, it is important to keep the root ball of your plant moist, especially during the summer.
    Soil well-drained soil
    Temperature 65-70
    Fertilizer Fertilizing with natural organic fertilizer is enough. Still, if the plant is not growing well use balanced slow-release fertilizer according to product instruction.
    Harvest Season Harvest the roots after the plant is three years old.

    Astragulus special feature

    Astragalus is a plant within the Leguminosae (beans or legumes) family, with a very long history as an immune system booster and disease fighter.

    Astragulus uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used for ornamental purpose

    Medicinal Use:

    • Astragalus is an herb
    • The root is used to make medicine
    • Astragalus is used for the common cold, upper respiratory infections, allergies, fibromyalgia, anemia, HIV/AIDS, and to strengthen and regulate the immune system
    • It is also used for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), kidney disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure
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