Amaryllis Lily Double (Mix Colors) - Bulbs (set of 5)

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₹ 489
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₹ 489
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₹ 489
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Amaryllis produces huge, brilliant flowers and one of the easiest bulb varieties to grow.

These plants are perennial herbaceous bulbous plants. They generally have large fleshy bulbs and tall broad leaves, generally evergreen. The foliage is evergreen in warm climates and will continue to grow. flower stalks will develop in the fall.

Common Name Amaryllis
Height Up to 60 cm
Flower Colour Varies
Bloom Time Spring
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • After planting, water well
  • Reduce watering in the winter
  • Apply mulch in the fall
  • Remove the mulch in the spring to prevent excess moisture from affecting the bulb
  • Cut off the old flower stalks after flowering but leave the foliage in place
  • Re-pot your bulb in the fresh potting soil

Amaryllis Lily Double care

  • Amaryllis may be planted from September through April in warm weather climates
  • If planting in a pot then, choose a high-quality pot as bulbs grow big
  • Dig holes and plant the bulbs with an inch of the bulb above the soil surface
  • Keep at least 3 inches of distance between each bulb
Sunlight Full sun to light shade
Watering Medium
Soil Well-drained
Temperature 18 to 24 degrees C
Fertilizer Use any organic fertilizer.
Harvest Season Spring, After Spring

Amaryllis Lily Double special feature


Amaryllis Lily Double uses

Ornamental Use:

  • Plants are showy and flowers can be used as cut flowers
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