Collection: Plants for home

2918 products
  • Spathodea Campanulata, Fountain Tree - Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 399
    Sale price
    ₹ 399
    Regular price
    ₹ 493
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  • Top 3 Exotic Succulents Plant Pack
    Regular price
    ₹ 999
    Sale price
    ₹ 999
    Regular price
    ₹ 1,270
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  • Top 3 Marvelous Air Purifier Plants for Bedroom
    Regular price
    ₹ 699
    Sale price
    ₹ 699
    Regular price
    ₹ 873
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  • Pine Tree - Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 459
    Sale price
    ₹ 459
    Regular price
    ₹ 553
    Sold out
  • Canna (Orange Flower with Variegated Red Leaves ) - Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 199
    Sale price
    ₹ 199
    Regular price
    ₹ 229
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  • Echinopsis species - Cactus Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 259
    Sale price
    ₹ 259
    Regular price
    ₹ 291
    Sold out
  • Set of 5 Plants to Promote Happiness and Joy
    Regular price
    ₹ 1,059
    Sale price
    ₹ 1,059
    Regular price
    ₹ 1,355
    Sold out
  • Aglaonema dud anyamanee, Aglaonema anyamanee (Green, Pink) - Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 599
    Sale price
    ₹ 599
    Regular price
    ₹ 689
    Sold out
  • Rhoeo Plant, Rhoeo discolor Compacta - Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 259
    Sale price
    ₹ 259
    Regular price
    ₹ 288
    Sold out
  • 30 cm Spiral Stick Lucky Bamboo Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 299
    Sale price
    ₹ 299
    Regular price
    ₹ 348
    Sold out
  • Tradescantia sillamontana - Succulent Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 259
    Sale price
    ₹ 259
    Regular price
    ₹ 301
    Sold out
  • Begonia (White) - Plant
    Regular price
    ₹ 259
    Sale price
    ₹ 259
    Regular price
    ₹ 305
    Sold out

According to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui bamboo plants are extremely lucky and auspicious. As a result bamboo plants are commonly found in peoples homes as a means of bringing good health riches tranquilly and prosperity.

The bamboo plant is a source of positive energy. Bamboo plants are thought to be best put near where the family sits. As a result the relationship between family members has improved.

When put in the east the lucky bamboo plant draws good health for the entire family.

If kept in the southeast direction it draws money and wealth. Bamboo plants may readily be grown in areas with low and indirect lighting.

If given direct sunlight and pure water the bamboo plant can live for around a decade.

flower plants for home

Green leafy houseplants are lovely and many of them are simple to grow. However why not broaden your gardening horizons by incorporating a few flowering houseplants into the mix to offer a splash of colour.

Flowerplants for homebring colour brightness and scent to your home. Theres one or more indoor blooming plants youll want to add to your window sill with so many beautiful low-cost options with long bloom spans.

Many blooming houseplants can last for years with no maintenance while others only last a few months.

Sunflowers and zinnias are easy annuals to start from seed perennials require minimal maintenance and come back year after year and bulbs are virtually infallible when planted properly. Begin with only one littleflowerplant.

indoor plants for home

An indoor garden may be a haven from the outside reality and a source of tremendous joy for many people. Regardless of whether you live in a little apartment or a large house bringing some plants indoor will improve your health.

According to NASA studies indoor plants for home can eliminate up to 87 percent of air toxic in just 24 hours. Indoor plants have also been shown to improve concentration and productivity by up to 15 reduce stress and improve mood in studies.

Plants can also increase the amount of moisture in the air by releasing water as dampness vapor which helps protect us from respiratory problems sore throats and dry coughs.

Peace lily Snake Plant Spider Plant Aloe Plant etc are some great options for beginners.

lucky plants for home

The plants you choose are determined by the aesthetics and atmosphere you wish to create in your home. But have you ever considered bringing lucky plants into your home Plants have an important role in directing the natural flow of positive energy.

They subconsciously link us to the colour green which is thought to have healing properties.

Healthy growing plants put in the appropriate directions according to Vastu Shastra boost ones ability to attract abundance into ones life and strengthen relationships.

According to Feng Shui certain plants are thought to bring good fortune health riches and love into your home. You brought a lot of lucky plants for your home today. Money plant fortunate bamboo peace lily snake plant and jade plant are a few of them.

plants for home

Plants are supposed to help you heal and plants for home can not only connect you with mother nature but can also help you achieve the great calm. Simply having them about the house can help to improve your mental health.

Analysts and researchers from all around the world have discovered that people who live near nature are happier than those who do not.

As a result merely looking at the greenery in your home can help you preserve your mental health and overall pleasure by integrating particular plants into your home.

Plants can assist with loneliness and melancholy by increasing your mood and creating a peaceful living space caring for a living thing gives us a purpose and is fulfilling especially when you see that live thing bloom and thrive.

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