The unstoppable green warriors we all should know

It is estimated that in the next 10 years, one out of every four observed species may have been wiped off the planet. And it would take 1.6 Earths to meet the demands that individuals make on nature each year.

That's why our bond with nature should be marked, especially when the entire planet is in a catastrophic state. Its nothing to discover how every natural element on this earth sustains us.

The foods we feed, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the climate that makes every habitat possible in all forms. Considering precious biodiversity, which enriches everything, it builds healthy soils, pollinates plants, provides habitat for wildlife, protects against pests and invaders, and contributes to the livelihoods of many people.

Despite all the privileges that our nature gives us, we still harm it. That is why we all need to do our bit, on our level. That is why we need this Observance.

On this Environment Day, let us have a look at some of the most renowned activists and environmentalists, who have gone beyond every challenge to protect the unparalleled natural beauty of India.

A little insight into their vision can impress local governments, businesses, celebrities, and citizens to converge their efforts on a pressing environmental issue. Do your bit by planting or adopting a plant in your neighborhood this environment week!

Jadav Payeng:

Known as the Forest Man of India, Jadav Payeng gave thirty years of his life planting trees. He started by planting bamboos, after which he continued planting other species, creating a real man-made jungle of 550 hectares on one of the sandbars of the Brahmaputra river. The Molai forest created by him now covers a large area with its own ecosystem flourishing beautiful life. This huge forest can be compared to the size of 15 football stadiums together. There are a number of documentary films on Jadav Payeng remarkable work.

Marimuthu Yoganathan:

A Coimbatore bus conductor, fondly acknowledged as the Tree Man of India, Yoganathan has alone planted over three lakh trees for the past thirty years. One of the most appreciated thing is he has been contributing about 40% of his salary to the goal of protecting the environment, Yoganathan is undoubtedly one of the well-known environmentalists in India. For his sheer dedication and efforts towards environmental protection, the Tamilnadu government has bestowed him with the title Eco-Warrior.

Saalumarada Thimmakka:

Saalumarada Thimmakka is one another great warrior who proved that nothing can stop you to make a big difference in life.

A renowned environmentalist from Karnataka, Saalumarada Thimmakka has planted more than 385 the great banyan trees in a range of four kilometers between Hulikal and Kudur and 8000 other species of trees.

Thimmakka does not hold any formal education and leads a very ordinary life, she came to know about the tragic news that she couldn't bear a child. She was devastated until she found her life motivation into nature.

Thimmakka's husband motivated and she took to planting trees thereafter. In 2019 she was awarded the Padma Shri Award.

Rajendra Singh:

Popular water conservationist and environmentalist from the Alwar district, Rajasthan, Rajendra Singh is the waterman of India. He is a pioneer in community-based efforts for water harvesting and water management.

He founded NGO called Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS) in 1975 near Sariska Tiger Reserve. He has strongly fought for various social and environmental causes.

His path-breaking techniques for rainwater harvesting and watershed management tremendously helped local people. Winner of the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for community leadership in 2001.

Tulsi Gowda:

Recipient of the Indira Priyadarshini Vriksha Mitra Award, the Rajyotsava Award, Kavita Memorial Award, and Indavalu H Honnayya Samaj Seva Award, Tulsi is a notable environmentalist from the state of Karnataka, India. She has planted over 100,000 plants and looks after various nurseries of the department of forest. On a mission to help the community conserve the environment, Tulsi is a true inspiration for all of us to protect nature and its genuine virtues.

Take this opportunity to make a difference. Do your bit by planting or adopting a plant this environment week. Happy environment week!! Go Green and act for nature.

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