Get ready to set up a healthier home

In a time of home stay and 14-day quarantines, staying healthy and active at home may require us to do little extra and invite more nature close to us.

Over the last few months, I have spent many hours poring over online platforms looking for clues about how we can create healthy indoor spaces.

I was somewhat doubtful to learn that one of the best ways to foster a healthy indoor environment is to bring in elements of the outdoors.

As a matter of fact I knew fresh air, has serious wellness benefits, especially during a respiratory pandemic. Covid-19 is essentially a disease of spreading infection.

The tiny, respiratory droplets that contain the virus tend to last in closed indoor spaces, especially poorly ventilated ones. Hence, putting out the things to bring in fresh air, sunlight was the first thing I did.

For an inexperienced gardener enclosed in a small apartment, I considered bringing some plants. Quick to germinate and easy to grow, micro-greens were perfect.

I have been enjoying living with super fresh aloe and dining with pleasant aroma of lemon grass in my balcony.

The biggest makeover in recent times that has turned out to be soothing, is because of the new plant family. Beginning each day by looking at bright files of colourful flowers and tracking the growth.

These indoor plants can reduce exposure to pollutants that happen to be hanging around inside as research infers that indoor air can carry more pollutants than outdoor air.

Lemon Grass is a fragrant herb which is increasingly being used in teas, beverages, herbal medicines

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Some benefits experienced because of these medicinal, aromatic plants is they can boost mood and enhance learning. Reading about the detailed benefits I came to know some of them can help in reduced blood pressure, and improving sleep at night.

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These air purifying plants helps in killing indoor air pollutants, which range from the fine particulate matter we produce when we cook to the carbon dioxide we spread when we exhale.

Indoor plants are therapeutic and results in wonderfully lifting human mood. People who live in houses with more access to natural greenery report better psychological well-being and lesser medication, than those surrounding empty closed walls.

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