Your Plant Gifting Guide For Independence Day !

Every year on August 15, India's Independence Day commemorates the country's independence from British rule in 1947. After the UK Parliament enacted the Indian Independence Act, 1947, handing legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly, India became the world's largest democracy.

Independence Day is just not another day of celebration for Indians. It's an emotion that reminds them of the sacrifices made by countless freedom fighters that fought until their last breath for the country. This day serves as a reminder to all Indians of the start of a new era of freedom from British colonial rule, which has lasted more than 200 years.

But since last year the Independence Day celebrations has undergone some changes. On August 15, 2020, Indians around the country will commemorate India's independence from British domination by celebrating its 75th Independence Day, but with a twist. As the situations stands the social gatherings with huge number of people will be discouraged by the due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Celebrations before Coronavirus were different. Many people preferred to spend this special day with their friends and family. They used to eat out, go to the movies, and enjoy themselves at amusement parks but things are different and hence the way of gifting should be too. What is better than gifting plants to your loved ones and that is too delivered online.

Why You Should Gift Plants On Independence Day?

We have been seeing great celebrations about our past achievements and undoubtedly, these are excellent ways to teach children about our freedom, but isn't patriotism also about love for our homeland? Why have we been focusing solely on the past? Shouldn't we all consider how we can protect our environment for future generations to enjoy?

To commemorate Independence Day this year, we encourage you to plant a tree or bring home a wonderful houseplant. Rather than purchasing and consuming organic items, let's become green by cultivating a plant and spending the time to care for it.

Plants not only give us with oxygen and fruits, but they also aid in stress reduction. On this Independence Day, take care of the place where you were born. Because our homeland is fighting a lot of demons currently in the form of Corona, Pollution, Unemployment, Economic Slow Down and more.

All we need is hope and plants are great way do so. The plant gifts that grow and they stay with your loved ones for years to come reminding them the love you have for them in your heart.

What You Can Gift On This Independence Day?

1.Independence Day Special (4 Plants Pack)

Buy Independence Day Plant Pack

In this pack, you'll get four NASA approved air purifier plants potted in colourful plastic pots, as well as rocks. These four beautiful low-maintenance and easy to care for plats are Snake Plant, ZZ Plant, Money Plant and Syngonium Plant. Plants in this pack can thrive in air-conditioned spaces with bright indirect light.

These plants will not only improve the aesthetic appeal of your home but will also help you breathing a cleaner air as they drive the pollutants out. A clean air on this freedom day sounds like a deal right ?

2. Kalanchoe (Any Color) – Plant

Buy Kalanchoe Plants

Kalanchoe is a popular gift plant with red, pink, yellow, white, and orange colours. Kalanchoe is a short-day plant that, like the poinsettia, requires 16 hours of darkness every day for three months in order to produce flower buds.

Here in this well put set of 3 colors Kalanchoe that is perfect for Independence Day gifting ritual. Your loved one will get beautiful flowers in pink, yellow and orange after they start tending to this plant.

3. Symbol of Purity on Republic Day Plants Pack

Buy Symbol Of Purity Plant Pack

This plant pack as the name suggest has been put together for Republic day but fits perfectly in the emotions of Independence Day gifting ritual. This set includes three lovely flowering plants in colourful pots. The flowering plants are namely Kalanchoe, Shevanti and Miniature Rose.

This pack's flowering plants are noted for their textured and structured appearance, which adds colourful beauty to any garden.These flowering plants can be utilised to enhance the look of your yard, balcony, or terrace.
As a humble gift, get these magnificent flowering plants in bright pots to honour the nation's eternal togetherness and the cheerful hope that is needed in these testing times.

4. Zephyranthes Grandiflora, Rain Lily (Any Color) – Plant

Buy Rain Lily

Zephyranthes plants, also known as the zephyr lily, fairy lily, and rain flower, produce three upright petals and three similar sepals that range in width from narrow to broad. The foliage is grassy and bright green, with a prostrate habit similar to that of grape hyacinth bulbs.

These beautiful flower plants are available different colors and are popular gifting choice these days, needless to say perfect for Independence Day too.

We hope that we have given you enough options and reasons to pick plants as gifts for this Independence Day. What are you picking then?

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