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To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow - Nurserylive

Plant A Garden To Keep The Hope Alive

“Might I,” quavered Mary, “might I have a bit of earth?” “Earth!” he repeated. “What do you mean?” “To plant seeds in — to make things grow — to see them come alive.” — Frances H. Burnett, The Secret Garden

Gain new experiences and learn about gardening!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns put millions out of work. Many people were isolated and cut off from social gatherings, and the world came to a standstill. People worried about empty shelves and contaminated grocery stores. Schoolchildren had no place to play outdoors. Stress levels were on an all-time rise. 

Then we saw a lot of people resorting towards the power of nature in these times. The news was filled with people spending time inside their homes while strengthening the bonds with nature and their families.

Nature showed us why it's supreme and why we all need to bow down to her, nourish her and care for her.

This is the time when we should actually stop and start planting gardens for the better future. You ask why  We have numerous reasons.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” This is one of the exceptional quotes from the greatest screen legend in Golden Age Hollywood- Audrey Hepburn.

The quote gracefully talks about inspiration and belief, that the seeds you sow today, or the plants you grow today will someday blossom into a fruitful plant, something wonderful and meaningful for the days yet to dawn.

Interpreting it after taking references from our common life experiences and struggles that each one of us go through, this quote indicates that an act of setting something into action that will encourage you to plan the life you want to lead. It is speaking about taking a moment of anguish and realizing that you can use it to fuel you.

We need this kind of attitude in life more than earlier times as these times can let you think that you have lost purpose or have lost the direction of your grand life you were supposed to live.

Just like a seed, it can not stay a seed forever, when  planted in nourishing soil, cared with rays of sunshine, showered with love and water, they start to become the beautiful things of joy they are meant to be, you will also bloom when it the time is right.

To really undergo positive change, we must let go of the yesterday and embrace the phases that are about to take place. Believe that you will take on a greater form and improve in several ways, even if it takes time.

Because even if seeds comes out from soil after weeks, it has already started it's process under the soil. You are also in a stage of your becomin. Don't let anyone else fool you with other opinions. 

We know times are hard and every day can feel like an eternity that is not passing off but trust us, you will bloom like a seed. You are just preparing. 

Believe in your self like a seed does, hang in there and one day, you will an ultimate thing of beauty. An ultimate thing of joy.

Till, keep planting. Keep Gardening. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

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