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Tips to care for your heat-stressed home garden - Nurserylive

How To Take Care Of Your Heat Stressed Garden ?

Although our gardens look wonderful when immersed with sunlight, the extremely hot and dry conditions can harm our beautiful radiant plants and flowers. Here are a few plant survival tips for summer-ready garden.

Nowadays when the temperature is reaching 40- 45 degrees Celcius, it's unimaginable to access outside conditions. Intense heatwaves can sometimes be just as intolerable as extreme winters cold weather, particularly for plants.

During high temperature, all-day sunbeams draining moisture from the soil, with an abundance of pests attacks,  summer can be a hard time for gardeners and delicate plants.

But fortunately, there are a few ways plants and flowers can survive and likely to even thrive the hottest months in the year. Read about summer gardening tips to get you through hot times of June- July.

Retain Moisture of the soil :

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Covering the first layer of the soil with leaves or bark or compost and pebbles in case of pots that will provide a humid layer of protection, locking in well-needed moisture.

It is very important to cover any surface roots to stop them from burning, extra care and attention for the kitchen garden or herbs growing in the garden which require a lot of water.

Likewise for the potted plants placed outdoors can be protected.

Move Plants Pots Into The Shade-

As much as possible, keep the planters in the shade, or where the sunlight is lesser for the day.  Use corners, the shade of trees, house porch, or net curtains can be done around the garden. Re-locating delicate flowers or plants indoor can be a quick fix.

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Watering the plants at the right time of day-

During summers when the Indian climate is mostly dry and hot, watering gardens either in the evening or first thing in the morning is most fitting.

It is important not to water the garden in the middle of the day as this grounds the plants to require moisture during the hottest point of the day. 

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Plant Hardy and low-maintenance Plants -

Since every year we experience extreme heatwaves as well as cold waves, it is recommended to grow hardy plants that can handle intense temperatures.

The best way is to check and grow that are hardy to your climate before planting to put them into your garden. Tropical plants are popular for their strength to handle high temperatures and sunlight, so if you live in a hot climate, that's a great place to start.

Likewise, hot-weather fruits and veggies, including tomatoes, cucumber, methi, pepper, melons, eggplant, peppers, and squash, often need temperatures, hot temp, to prosper.

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Recycle water as much as possible- 

We all are aware of water shortages during summers, for this reason maintaining a garden can be a big obligation. As a result, whats best is to recycle and reuse the water for a healthy green garden. Recycling bathwater, kitchen water, for big trees and hardy plants.

This practice can immensely help you have green surroundings which is bliss during hot conditions.

And do not forget the garden can be the habitat for a lot of birds, butterflies, and bees, so if you are saving these plants it has a great impression on protecting our biodiversity collectively. 

Mix water storing crystals- 

Water crystals are designed to absorb and hold moisture. The best way to use them is to pre-soak them in water and dig them into the planting hole. This saves a lot of constraints of watering when we tend to forget to water the plants. 

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Revitalize garden- 

Once the temperature drops below 30 degrees, give your plants a gentle feed with organically certified manures, check soil health. This will help in giving strength to the growing plants. 

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Extra care for fragile plants- 

Fully grown plants and vegetables are self-sufficient to retain moisture and withstand heatwaves, hence such plants do not require special treatment. On the other hand, recently planted pots or seedlings need the utmost care and moisture to help them grow.

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