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Japanese Golden Ogon Sedum - Succulent Plant

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Original price ₹ 298
Original price ₹ 298
Original price ₹ 298
Current price ₹ 259
₹ 259
Current price ₹ 259

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Images are for reference purposes only. Actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc. The product is replaceable but not returnable.


Brilliant solid golden-yellow foliage flushed with pink provides a striking color accent in rock gardens, walls or containe Makes an excellent pathway filler or ground cover.
What makes it special:
  • .
  • Best for sunny windows.
  • Low maintenance plant.
  • Popular house plant with attractive leaves.

  • Constituents:
    • Japanese Golden Ogon Sedum - Succulent Plant- 1
    • 3 inch (8 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)- 1
    • 3.3 inch (8 cm) Square Plastic Planter with Rounded Edges (Yellow)- 1

    Sedum belongs to the Crassulaceae family. it is very easy to grow and hardy in most areas of the country. This broad group of plants offers much for both perennial and rock gardens. Some varieties grow in a mat-like fashion while others are best used as an upright ornamental specimen.

    All have thick, fleshy, succulent-like leaves and divide well.

    Plant Specifications

    Plant Height 3 inch (8 cm)
    Plant Spread 4 inch (10 cm)
    *above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
    Common Name Golden Moneywort, Creeping Charlie.
    Maximum Reachable Height up to 10 centimete
    Flower Colour yellow-green flowe
    Bloom Time August
    Difficulty Level easy to grow.

    Planting and care

    Refer our Garden Guide for detailed procedures and meanings of words related to gardening.


  • Keep the plant indoor in Natural bright light/indirect bright light.
  • Protect the plant from direct harsh sunlight as it can cause damage to the foliage.
  • Soil
  • The soil should be well drained and fertile rich in oragnic content.
  • Watering
  • Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
  • Water when top soil (3-4 inches) feels dry to touch.
  • Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.
  • Application of Fertilizer
  • During the main growing season feed the plant with organic fertilizer once a month.
  • Loosen the topsoil without disturbing the roots of the plant so it can uptake the nutrients and moisture easily.
  • Re-potting
  • When a plant outgrows in current pot, re-pot with fresh potting soil and some fertilizer.
  • Do the re-potting late evening and keep the plant in shady area for 2 to 3 days and then move the plant in its suitable climatic condition.
  • For re-potting procedure click here

    Plant Protection
  • Remove dead, infected or damaged plant parts and dispose them away from the planting area.
  • Spray Neem, Eucalyptus or Citrus oil for any insect/pest attack, as a primary treatment.

  • Donts
  • Easily grows in AC rooms but away from AC vents.
  • Do not over-water the plant especially when pot does not have drainage holes.
  • Japanese Golden Ogon Sedum care

    Initial care for 1-2 weeks after receiving plant at your location:

  • Keep the plant in natural indirect bright Light.
  • Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
  • Water when top soil (3-4 inches) feels dry to touch.
  • Do not re-pot for min. 2 weeks after receiving it.

  • Key requirements to keep plant healthy:
    Sunlight Natural bright light/indirect bright light
    Watering Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture. Water when topsoil (3-4 inches) feels dry to touch. Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.
    Soil Soil should be well drain and fertile, rich in organic content.
    Temperature 10 degrees celsius.
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer.

    Japanese Golden Ogon Sedum special feature

    Excellent small ground cover. Use in rock gardens, flagstone paths, along rock walls or to spill over container edges.

    Japanese Golden Ogon Sedum uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used for ornamental purposes

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to plant Sedum cuttings?

    To plant Sedum cuttings consider following points.
    1. To propagate take healthy cuttings of well mature stem to a length of 10-12 cm and remove any flowers leaves from it.
    2. Then dip bottom of the cutting in rooting hormone, and Place the 3/4 portion cutting into a small container with well-draining soil and water the cuttings.
    3. Rooting will start within 1-2 week.

    Note - For further details check the product description on

    How to trim Sedum plants?

    Some of the creeping or trailing smaller varieties may get rangy. You can remove the stems with clippers or pruners or simply pinch them off. The jointed stems of some sedum will simply pull right off and can be planted for new plants if you wish. For taller species, cut them back in May to early June for a bushier plant. This will delay flowering but will form a more compact succulent. Remove stems by ½ to force horizontal growth. Be careful not to damage side buds and remove only the vertical taller plant material.

    Do Sedum plants attract bees?

    No, Sedum plants dont attract bees.

    Where to plant Sedum autumn joy?

    You can grow Sedum autumn joy indoor or outdoor where
    1. 1-3 hours of direct or indirect bright light is available.
    2. Soil should be nutrient rich and well drained.
    3. Apply Water when soil (3-4 inch) feels dry to touch.
    4. Once the plant is overgrown in current pot, plant it in field. Note- For further details check the product description on

    When to trim Sedum plants?

    You can cut the Sedum back in winter (Oct-Nov) as soon as the flowers fade or any time after that until you see green peeping from the ground in spring(February-March).

    Do Sedum plants attract flies?

    No, Sedum plants dont attract flies.

    What eats Sedum plants?

    Deer and squirrel have been known to feed on the tender new shoots of the Sedum plant.

    When to transplant Sedum plants?

    Transplant your Sedum plant when overgrows in the current pot or not growing well. Since many Sedum die back in cooler climates, it can be hard to establish where the plant is until new growth arrives in early spring. That is the best time to separate the plants. Dividing the plants can increase blooms and enhance plant health.

    Can Sedum be planted in containers?

    Yes, Sedum can be planted in containers.

    How to plant Sedum seeds?

    To grow Sedum plant through seed consider the following points
    1. Use a pot having 5-7 inch upper diameter and drainage holes.
    2. Fill the pot with well drained soil. To sow seeds make a hole about 1/2 inch in soil, place seeds in it, cover with soil and apply water.
    3. Maintain the moisture in soil by applying water if soil in pot (3-4inch) feels dry to touch.
    4. Keep the pot at a location receiving indirect bright light. Seeds will germinate within a 1-2 week.

    Note - For further details check the product description on

    Should Sedum plants be cut back in the fall?

    No, Sedum plants cant not cut back in the fall

    How to plant Sedum?

    To plant Sedum consider the following points.
    1. To grow plant in pot, choose a pot having of 5-7 inch upper diameter and drainage holes.
    2. Fill the 1/3 pot with well drained soil which is rich in organic content and place the plant in the center of the pot.
    3. Fill the remaining pot with same soil.
    4. Keep the plant in indirect bright light location for 2-3 days and then gradually move to a location that receives 1-3 hours of direct or indirect bright sunlight.
    5. Once the plant is overgrown in current pot, plant it in field. If you are planting purchased plant directly in ground follow below procedure.
    1. Keep the plant in indirect bright light for 3-4 days and gradually move to a location receiving 1-3 hours of direct or indirect bright sunlight day.
    2. Dig a pit twice the size of the bag/pot the current plant is in.
    3. Fill the 1/3 of pit with soil rich in organic content, place the plant in center and fill the pit with same soil.
    4. Apply water. General caring tips- Plant should get 1-3 hours of direct or indirect bright sunlight a day. Water the plant when surface soil (3-4 inch) feels dry to touch. Apply any organic fertilizer during the main growing season (June July).

    Are Sedum plants perennial?

    Yes, Sedum plants are perennial

    Types of Sedum plants?

    Sedum humifusum, Sedum Blue Spruce, Sedum Dragon’s Blood, Sedum Autumn Joy, Sedum pallidum, Sedum brilliant, Sedum Purple Emperor etc.

    Can you divide Sedum plants?

    Yes, you can divide Sedum plant by planting its cuttings

    What does Sedum plant look like?

    Sedum is a perennial succulent plant with thick, succulent leaves, fleshy stems, and clusters of star-shaped flowers.

    How to divide Sedum plants?

    The jointed stems of some Sedum will simply pull right off and can be planted for new plants.

    Does Sedum need to be cut back in the fall?

    No, Sedum doesnt need to be cut back in the fall.

    Are Sedum plants evergreen?

    Yes, Sedum plants are evergreen.

    All types of Sedum plants?

    Sedum humifusum, Sedum Blue Spruce, Sedum Dragon’s Blood, Sedum Autumn Joy, Sedum pallidum, Sedum brilliant, Sedum Purple Emperor.

    When to plant Sedum autumn joy?

    Plant Sedums in spring (March-April) after danger of frost has passed.

    Where to plant Sedum tiles?

    You can grow Sedum tiles where 1-3 hours of direct or indirect bright light is available.

    Is Sedum plant poisonous?

    Sedum is generally non-toxic to pets and humans.

    Can you plant Sedum in the fall?

    Plant seeds in the early spring (March) or transplant sedum in the fall (Sep).

    Should I plant Sedum?

    Yes, you plant Sedum as a container plant.

    Do Sedum plants need full sun?

    Yes, Sedum plants need 1-3 hours of dirct or indirect bright light a day.

    Can you plant Sedum in the shade?

    Yes you can plant Sedum in shade where 1-3 hours of direct or indirect bright light is available.

    Is Sedum plant deer resistant?

    No, the Sedum plant is not deer resistant because deer and squirrel have been known to feed on the tender new shoots of the sedum plant.

    Do Sedum plants spread?

    Yes, Sedum plants spread.

    When to plant Sedum seeds?

    Plant Sedum seeds in the early spring (March-April) season.

    Why is my Sedum plant turning brown?

    The main reasons of leaves turning brown are as follows
    1. Due to over watering or less watering to plant.
    2. Plant does not get proper sunlight.
    3. Lack of nutrient.
    4. Disease and pest infestation.

    Note - For further details check the product description on

    Are Sedum plants succulents?

    Yes, Sedum plants are succulents.

    When do Sedum plants bloom?

    Sedums flower any time from early summer through late fall (Sep-Oct).

    What are Sedum plants?

    Sedum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae.

    Do deer eat Sedum plants?

    Yes, deer feed on the tender new shoots of the sedum plant.

    How to winterize Sedum plants?

    Once established, Sedum requires little watering, particularly in the winter, when you should water the plant just enough to ensure the soil doesnt completely dry out. Potted Sedum requires more watering than those planted in the ground. It also should be brought indoors whenever the weather forecast calls for temperatures to dip below 5 degrees Celcius.

    Is Sedum plant edible?

    The leaves of most stonecrops are edible. Note- Please consults your health advisor before application or consuming of plants or plant parts.

    How to propagate Sedum plants?

    You can propagate Sedum plants generally through cuttings easily. Snip off a 2-5" piece of the Sedum plant Plant the cutting 1-2 inch deep into soil that has good drainage Keep the newly planted cutting moist, within one to two weeks the roots will begin to develop

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 216 reviews
    Trupti Sonawani
    Good go for it.

    Nice plants with Good packing but pots are very small little over priced I brought these plants at the cost of 1090/- in independence sale

    Bhabani Sankar Swain
    Out of 4 succulent one is dead

    Out of 4 succulent one is dead and another is not in good condition

    Ruchi Mittal
    Healthy and thriving

    All plants arrived healthy and are thriving

    RICHA Gupta
    Came nicely packed and happy with the pack.

    Came nicely packed and happy with the pack.

    Cathy Fernandes
    Helpful plant care tips

    The website had a lot of helpful information on plant care. It was a great resource for a beginner like me.

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